Gifts that give back

This holiday season, as you look to buy the perfect gift for those you care about, consider choosing gifts that give back and provide hope to children who are infected and/or affected by AIDS. Whether it’s a tee shirt or baseball cap showing your support for the American Foundation for Children with AIDs or whether you are purchasing the gift of a project that provides sustainable livelihoods for communities and alleviates extreme poverty, you are giving much more than a gift to one person – you are giving the gift of change that sparks hope in the lives of others. 

So, give the gift of kindness towards others. Gift a bee package to a family in need from your pollinator loving parents. Give goats to your G.O.A.T. (Greatest Of All Time). Give Uncle Paddy a literal rice PADDY! The ideas are endless, and every gift purchased changes lives forever. 

We offer an assortment of gifts to suit every kind of person. It’s as easy as 1, 2, 3 to complete your purchase from our online gift catalog!

  1. Select your gift and add it to your online cart and click “proceed to checkout”.
  2. Click on “Honor Someone? 
  3. Add the name of your honoree, their address and any special notes to include in the card in the “Additional information/order notes” section.
  4. A  physical card will be sent in their name. Please allow for 5-7 business days from your purchase date for the card to arrive within the contiguous United States.
  • Ongoing trainings, a bee hive, a bee suit, and the sales of honey are all part of this sweet package per family.
  • A water filter, a solar lamp, a female goat (you get to name her!), training, seeds, and garden tools make up this package.
  • HIV+ moms have found good work in the rice paddy project! They earn a good living which enables them to keep kids in school and to eat well. Cost of seeding for a year: $4500. Share of Rice Package: $375
  • HIV+ women manage a large community garden that feeds orphaned and school children while providing them with a fair wage. Cost: one year of salaries $3,840 Share of Garden Package: $320
  • Sisal

    HIV+ widowed mothers are hired to work at our sisal project in Kenya. There, they receive fair pay for their work and elderly women also earn a living through making rope.
  • Tailoring

    From tailoring shops to sewing groups, women learn to sew by hand and on sewing machines. They make beautiful items, such as dresses, belts, backpacks and skirts, as well as practical items such as school uniforms and pad kits. Support a woman today to receive a year of training for $200
  • School fees are impossible for many children to afford. With your help, those who can't afford it can still go to school.
  • A nutritious lunch, complete with veggies, fruit, a protein (eggs, fish, beans, and/or peanut butter) will help keep young bellies full so they can learn more.
  • Educators need a salary and we'd like to keep the teachers who currently work with our children as they are so very good. Our kids outperform those in local, public schools!
  • Do you know that public schools don't usually mean "free"? Children are expected to go to school with $44 worth of books, an incredible sum! Today, you can make sure kiddos have what they need. Cost: $44 for a set of school books
  • A school kit with pencils, pens, notebooks, scissors, ruler, glue, file folders, and colored pencils help students with items they could never afford but which are required.
  • Pad Kit

    Can you believe that it is biology that keeps many girls out of school? When no supplies are available for period protection, girls miss 3-5 days of school per month! Provide a reusable pad kit so a girl can stay in school. Cost: $30
  • Plastic sheeting, a razor to cut the umbilical cord and string to tie the cord, gloves, soap, and baby blankets make up this kit, keeping those helping with a birth safe from blood that might be contaminated with HIV or other viruses.
  • Baby Kit

    We make sure babies go home dressed in clean clothes, with cloth diapers, sweater, hat, booties, and a couple soft layette blankets. This is a dream for moms who would normally wrap their baby in plastic or newspaper for the walk home. Cost : $35
  • Sponsor the shipping and delivery of a 40' container of medical and educational supplies to serve children and their families. Thousands of lives are impacted!
  • A good water filter kit makes the difference between water borne illnesses such as diarrhea, cholera and typhoid and a healthy life. Purchase one today for a family. Cost: $70
  • Keeping the lights on has a cost to it, as well. Salaries, phones, postage, warehouse space, and so much more is all part of the expenses we incur monthly and yearly but which is rarely addressed. Help us keep the lights on with a gift to our undesignated funds account.
  • A long drop toilet (loo) built using both ecobricks and regular blocks.

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