Popular Games and Sports in DRC
- Bokwele (similar to capture the flag)
- Ding-Dingo — traditional game that involves jumping through a maze laid out with stones on the ground. They keep track of how well they do by using counters. Requires a great deal of skill.
- Soccer – one of the few organized sports in DRC
- Basketball is growing in popularity
- Track and field
- Volleyball
- Boxing
(Willis, Terri. Democratic Republic of the Congo: Enchantment of the World. New York, NY: Children’s Press, 2004.)
Lesson Plan Ideas:
- Read description of Bokwele and have students discuss what that may look like.
- Check out videos online of each sport being played.
- Allow students to play some online African games during free time in the computer lab.
- http://pbskids.org/everything.html (cool site of fun activities that deal with Africa)
- http://africa.mrdonn.org/games.html (African games)