I am a mom of three, a worker, a wife, a friend, a daughter, sister, aunt, and friend. I am a busy person and somedays, I can’t seem to get much done. How many times have I vowed to make a change, start a new diet, get my finances on track, declutter, be more intentional… the list goes on and on.
About a year ago, I started making a plan for some of these goals, and realized that taking action was not as easy as just writing a list of personal goals or New Year’s resolutions in my perfectly organized planner. Goal-setting and resolution-making are not bad; in fact, they are sincere attempts at self-improvement and living a better life. And if I am honest with myself, the luxury of being able to set such goals is a privilege, and one that many people in the world do not have. To have the problem of needing to get rid of material possessions because you have too many, or start a new diet challenge because the sheer availability of food is so great, is, well – unique.
And so, I continue on the road to simplify, making and remaking my path, looking for a way to make better food choices, lose weight, and do so without breaking the bank. Then I found a way to combine all of these goals into one achievable, super goal. AFCA’s #PassMyPlate campaign challenges you to eat on just $1.90 per day, and donate the excess of what you would normally spend on food to help children in Africa affected by hunger and HIV/AIDS. #PassMyPlate brings awareness to hunger in Africa and the extreme poverty line, which is defined by the World Bank as living on $1.90 or less per day. $1.90 is not a lot of money AT ALL. But how can I ignore that this is a reality for so many? It seems daunting, but AFCA has loads of recipes and ideas to help inspire you. You can check out this video by Byron Talbott (https://youtu.be/1rHzS0d4YHs) and learn how to make Huevos y Frijoles, a delicious, nutritious AND inexpensive meal on less than a dollar per serving. Want to see more great recipes? Check them out here. Byron has committed to taking on the #PassMyPlate Challenge and is creating various recipes for other challenge-takers. Visit this space often to see what new recipes are available: www.Facebook.com/afcaids.
Limiting your food intake in this way will result in weight loss, and it will also have you living very intentionally and simply for a week. You’ll be surprised at how grateful you’ll become for the choices you have and how tasty helping others can taste.
Take the #PassMyPlate challenge!