She walks alone for a long time, for a very long time.  Finally, she arrives, exhausted, at the clinic, where her real work begins. Hours later, the babe arrives. Twin screams are heard – one leaving this world and one entering it.

No father is known and no one visits the clinic, asking for his wife or baby. Staff are left with this little one and they agree to raise her as their own, to love her, to care for her, and to give her a home.

Someone must have been humming a tune that day because the baby is named Grace.

Seven months pass and I meet Grace, with her two small bottom teeth and her gorgeous, colorful dress.  She doesn’t take to my white hands and face and her face bunches up to cry when I reach out for her. I leave her alone and we look at each other – her wary and me with a prayer for blessing over her life.  She is obviously loved and I take heart in knowing that Grace will always have a family.