I was recently able to accompany American Foundation for Children with AIDS (AFCA)’s executive director, Tanya Weaver, on her annual inspection trip to visit one of the programs we support in Mombasa, Kenya.  This was my first opportunity to see AFCA in action in Africa.

I left a few days later with a much great understanding of the tremendous need for help in Sub-Sahara Africa.  The number of sick and hungry children in Mombasa is really overwhelming at first.  But, the number of children being served and cared for by AFCA is enormous, too.  I left with a greater appreciation for the vast good AFCA does, and a renewed commitment to help them achieve it.  They do more with the limited resources they have then any other charity I have been involved in.  I was so impressed with the fact that they take the time to understand the specific needs of the people and/or organization they work with.  This is help that is up close, personal and very effective.

More to follow on Mombasa.

Pat Dorsey