The recent unfavorable portrayal of AFCA in an unfair and untrue article by the Tampa Bay Times and The Center for Investigative Reporting.
We have read the unfair and untrue article on our partner, AFCA, by the Tampa Bay Times about nonprofit organizations that don’t do what they told people they were doing and that they steal and that they don’t help anyone. We have this to say:
Papoli Community Development Foundation came into partnership with AFCA in 2010 and from that year we have had very fruitful collaboration in saving and improving the lives of our underserved children and in particular children that are infected at birth by the deadly AIDS virus.
- We at Papoli have received to date 4 (four) 40 ft containers (as I write now we are stripping the 4th container) of donated medical supplies, clinic equipment, hygiene and education supplies.
- Our technical staffs have had training facilitated by professionals from Nairobi, Kenya, all sponsored by AFCA.
- The medical supplies and clinic equipment that we received have been very useful to our community members and we also shared with other health facilities in Uganda, such as Mbale Regional Referral Hospital, Tororo General Hospital and other 7 health centres in Tororo district.
- The school supplies AFCA sends have been distributed to Papoli primary school and other 5 neighboring schools and very important have been the girl child sanitary pads that has dramatically improved on the overall school attendance of girls.
- AFCA provided a means for Cooley Clinic to make some money, which lead to the building of warehouse and office premises.
- The AFCA leadership have make annual visits to our organization, where we have had very fruitful discussions and planning too.
For the 4 years we have partnered and worked together with AFCA. We appreciate they have kept their promises and we look forward to many more years of working together.
Sincerely, for and On behalf of the people of Papoli.
Emmanuel Ofumbi.
Executive Director, PACODEF
Papoli Village 16 Km, Tororo-Jinja Highway
P.O.Box 1143, Tororo. Uganda.