• Self-directed. What this means is that you set the parameters of the event. The “what, where, when” of the event is determined by you.
  • Flexible. You have the freedom to create an event based upon the sport or activity that you enjoy. And, the event can be on the day of your choice, at any location in the world, and at the time of day that works for you.
  • AFCA supported. AFCA provides event registration forms and sponsor forms. In addition, AFCA staff is available to assist you so that your event is successful.
  • Life changing. Your life will be changed as you give of yourself to help children in need of medicine and hope. The lives of the children will be changed as they receive medicine that keeps the HIV/AIDS at bay and enables them to laugh, run, jump, sing, dance and live life fully.

Past Climb Up events include:

  • 24 Hours of Gunnison Glory – rock climbing in Gunnison, Colorado
  • A walk-a-thon in Hershey, PA
  • A walk-a-thon and BBQ in Washington State
  • A walk-a-thon in Portland, Oregon
  • Smith Rock Detour – Reel Rock Festival and climbing competition
  • Held at Inner Peaks Gym, this was a day-long gym event with competitions, raffles, food, massages and training
  • A day-long gym event with competitions and raffles at the University of Wisconsin – Stephens Point, WI

Do you have a good idea for a self-directed fundraising event to benefit AFCA’s kids?  Write us at info@AFCAids.org and let us know!  We’ll help you any way we can so your event is a success.

  1. Choose an activity. Hiking, biking, swimming, running, kayaking, walking, dancing, rock climbing, horseback riding…
  2. Choose a date and time.
  3. Set a financial goal for the event.
  4. Contact AFCA at info@AFCAids.org or 717.489.0206 to officially register your event and obtain AFCA approval. There is a $15 (non-refundable) registration fee that covers the administrative costs for registering your event. This allows 100% of your event donations to go directly to AFCA programs.AS SOON AS YOUR EVENT IS REGISTERED and APPROVED…
  5. Ask friends to join you in doing the activity and ask them to find sponsors, too.
  6. Download and print a registration form and sponsor sheet(s) for each participant.
  7. Tell people about your Climb Up event, why you’re doing it, and how they can get involved.
  8. Collect donations/sponsorships from businesses, friends, family, neighbors, and associates.

Click here for helpful fundraising tips and ideas.

Proceeds from Climb Up Events are used to provide life-saving medicine, medical supplies, medical training, nutritional support, and humanitarian aid to AFCA’s partners (primarily hospitals, clinics and orphanages) in the Democratic Republic of Congo, Kenya, Uganda, and Zimbabwe.

In addition, every Climb Up Event spreads the word about the millions of children who are affected by HIV/AIDS and how the American Foundation for Children with AIDS is making a difference in their lives.

Fundraising can be a bit daunting, but you shouldn’t let that stop you from participating in a Climb Up Event. We are here to help you brainstorm ideas and answer questions. Feel free to contact us at info@AFCAids.org with questions, and check out our fundraising tips sheet.


  1. Make a list of everyone you know – friends, family, co-workers, professors, wedding guests, spouses/significant other’s family, people you do regular business with—dentists, doctors, gas stations, stores you regularly frequent, coffee shops, insurance agents, bakeries, brokers, gyms, anyone.
  2. Prioritize your list – put the people you know best first. Remember, people give to people. By asking the people you know best first, you will have success and it will make you more confident in asking those you know less well.
  3. Set personal goals for fundraising. Most people commit to raise at least the amount of money to give one child the life-saving medicine they need for a whole year plus the registration fee: $360 + $25. But, please…raise as much as you can since every dollar gives a child another day of life.
  4. Download the sample letter and press release to give you ideas to get started with asking people to sponsor you. Personalize it…make it exciting by printing it on brightly colored paper.
  5. Start asking for support. Be specific. People like to know what is expected of them. Tell them what you are doing and why. Then invite them to give to your cause. If you know someone can only give $5.00 then ask them for $5.00. If someone can give $50, ask them for $50. By asking for a specific amount, you will be more effective.If you are mailing letters to potential sponsors, consider including a return self-addressed envelope.If you’d like to create an online fundraising page, go to AFCA’s Crowdrise fundraising page where you can create a personalized fundraising web page for your trip. You can then direct potential donors to your web page where they can learn more about AFCA and your specific trip. This is a GREAT way to get the word out! This is a GREAT way to get the word out!
  6. Keep good records – Use the record form and make sure you record all donations. When you send the donations to AFCA, make sure you keep a copy of the record form and send a copy with the donations to AFCA. Please do not send cash.Mail checks and the record form to:American Foundation for Children with AIDS
    1520 Greening Lane
    Harrisburg, PA 17110
  7. Emphasize charity. American Foundation for Children with AIDS is a 501(c)(3) charitable organization so all donations you receive are tax-deductible to the full extent allowed by law. Make sure that checks are made out to the AFCA and make sure you keep track of cash donations and the donors’ addresses so we can send thank you notes.
  8. Give thanks. It is important for you to personally thank your donors and AFCA will mail a formal thank you to donors.

You are ready to go! Remember, you are asking people to make a difference in the lives of others. Remind them that by giving a dollar a day, less than what they would spend on a cup of coffee, they can save a child’s life.

Here’s a list of what donations from your Climb Up Event can do for children with HIV/AIDS.

Click here to see what $1 can do.

$15 = 1 month of food for a child

$30 = anti-retroviral medicine for one child for one month

$45 = 1 month of medicine and food for one child

$85 = 1 female goat to provide sustainable food for a family

$250 = 1 veterinary kit for a family

$365 = 1 year of medicine for a child

$500 = 16 months of medicine for a child

$1,000 = 4 veterinary kits for a community

$3,000 = 500 chickens to provide sustainable food for 100 families

$3,600 = feminine products for 100 orphaned girls so they don’t miss school for 1 year

$11,000 = one 40’ container of humanitarian relief products shipped to Kenya

$13,500 = one 40’ container of medical supplies shipped to rural hospitals in Uganda

$14,000 = one 40’ container of nutritional support shipped to Zimbabwe

*Dollar amounts listed are approximate and subject to change.


We make getting started is easy and will be here for you every step of the way.

Questions? Contact us at anytime!

You can either join an existing team or if you have a group of 4 or more people you can choose and form your own team!